There are some decently quality products on the market or in the drug store that can be life savers. Here is just a few of my favorites. This month.
1) COCONUT OIL About $7.00 per jar. If you haven't heard already coconut oil is awesome. Last year I became aquainted with the power of essential oils and have found coconut oil to not just be a good base for some of my diy skincare but on it's own it is very healing and wonderful.
I used this on my stomach during pregnancy and actually experienced no stretch marks!!
I also have used this on my eczema adn it heals spots quickly.
This is the perfect brow shaper and combo to fill in brows. Lasts long and colors are subtle.
Once you try tis bronzer you will not want to try another. gives perfect color and is gentle enough to use on face. Does not look orange and good for all skin colors.
All three of these palettes are perfect for summer. Each one can take you from day to night. Creates variety of looks and has a mirror and applicator.
I have been using this liner for years and have tried so many other cake liners. This particular one stays on and creates the most smooth, fine lines. I have one in every makeup bag, car, and bathroom of my house. Great product.